Newsletter 22nd November 2020

St. Peter’s Parish Church,

Kirk Onchan


22 November 2020 – Christ the King

 God the Father, help us to hear the call of Christ the King and to follow in his service, whose kingdom has no end; for he reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, one glory. Amen


Prayer Diary

The Mothers’ Union and those people living in Alpine Close, Fairfield Avenue.


Rushen Clergy Joe Heaton, Liz Hull, John Gulland, Roger Harper Readers Harry Dawson, Margaret Galloway, Wendy Heaton


Those who are struggling in mind, body & spirit that they may know God’s comfort & healing: Sheila Pyatt-Coppell, Sheila Cowley, Olivia Pettigrew, Sandra Caley, Christopher Browne, Mildred Cooper, Dorothy Singleton, George Sinclair, Christine Roberts, Liz Pickering, Roberto Di Chiara & Tara Mackenzie.


In addition there are a number of people at home preparing for tests and procedures who don’t wish to be named, however, I would ask you to please keep in your prayers all those we know of who are struggling in mind, body and spirit at this time.


Those who have lost loved ones & in particular the family & friends of: James Burton.


And those we name in the quiet of our hearts. Amen

Please remember that we need permission to put names on this list. Please help us to keep this list up to date by keeping us informed of changes.



 Ephesians 1. 15-23

Matthew 25.31-46


Prayers for Daily Life – Trinity


O God, the creator and preserver of all,

we pray for people in every kind of need;

make your ways known on earth,

your saving health among all nations …


We pray for the Church;

guide and govern us by your good Spirit,

that all who profess and call themselves Christians

may be led into the way of truth,

and hold the faith in unity of spirit,

in the bond of peace and in righteousness of life …


We commend to your fatherly goodness

all those who are any ways afflicted or distressed,

in mind, body or estate;

comfort and relieve them in their need,

give them patience in their sufferings,

and bring good out of all their afflictions …


We remember those who have gone before us

in the peace of Christ,

and we give you praise for all your faithful ones,

with whom we rejoice in the communion of saints …

All this we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake.

All   Amen


? This week’s altar flowers have been kindly donated by

Mrs Elaine Cory ?


Dear Friends


This Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King marks the end of the church year and it represents also a high point as we celebrate Jesus as our King and Lord. In doing so we remember that we are not volunteers doing God a favour by all we do, but rather his subjects serving him lovingly and faithfully, receiving grace upon grace.


Following my appointment as Team Rector I would like to thank everyone for the many kind wishes I have received.  As you are aware I am currently self-isolating but I look forward to seeing you all at the Torchlight Procession, singing our hearts out as the heavenly host on the 2nd December (subject to good weather!).


God’s blessings, Alessandra

Roc Vannin Choir

 Rocks Christmas


An evening of song, celebration and canapés


4 December 2020

At 7:30pm

Tickets £10

Please contact

Tricia Skillicorn 472731


 ?Ladies’ Fellowship


First & Third Wednesday

of each month


Onchan Parish Hall

8:00pm October – May


Suitable for all ages,

new members welcome



Sheila Kelly 836014

Dot Winrow 620560



Thanks to everyone who helped with their time and also by donating to the Christmas Fair. Your support and generosity was amazing. It was a fabulous day and a tremendous team effort.


£3000 was raised towards church funds, with 10% being donated to the

Isle of Man Air Ambulance.


Thank you all so much


? The Flower Team ?



Date Time Event Location/Notes
22/11/20          11:00am




All Age Service


Choral Evensong






25/11/20          10:30am BCP Holy Communion Church – Hinton Bird
29/11/20          11:00am





CW Holy Communion




Choir Practice

Church – Margaret Fourie






Onchan, Lonan & Laxey Team Ministry Information


Interim Minister Onchan Alessandra Di Chiara

The Vicarage, 62 Ballabrooie Way, Douglas IM1 4HB

Phone 679274 or 210208

or email [email protected]


Team Vicar Lonan & Laxey Jo Dudley Phone 861989

or email [email protected]


Parish Clerk [email protected] Phone 675797




Facebook St Peter’s Church, Onchan



The contact for Onchan Parish Hall is Elaine Cory 416669

Email [email protected] or contact us on Facebook


Live Streaming and Safeguarding


As the service is being live streamed, if you are bringing a child to the service and do not wish them to appear on camera, please let us know at the beginning of the service and we will make sure this does not happen.