The Parish of St Peters, Onchan with Laxey and Lonan

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The church is open daily from 10am to 4pm, and visitors can enjoy quiet reflection, or view the many historic features including a display of Celtic Crosses and interesting stained glass windows. The present building was consecrated in 1833. The previous church built on the site was St Catherine’s, famous because it witnessed the marriage of William Bligh on 2 Feb 1789, later to be Captain of ‘HMS Bounty’ on which the infamous mutiny took place. The church sits in a large graveyard which serves the whole Parish of Onchan.

St Peter’s offers a range of services, often with a robed choir, and has a large and very active congregation. There is an active Mothers’ Union, and Ladies Fellowship.

All Age services are on the 4th Sunday of each month at 11.00 am

Choral Evensong is on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6.30 pm

The Parish Office is located in the church car park.