Privacy Policy


We have a legal duty to protect the privacy of all, personal and business data obtained from you while you are using this website. This privacy policy explains what information we may collect from you and the purposes for which it will be used. By using this website you give your agreement to the data practices described in this policy.

This website only collects personal and business data from you with your permission, for example if you register or fill in a form. No personal or business data is collected from you without you knowing about it. Some web usage and technical information is collected by this website to help us improve our service to you, but this does not contain any personal data.

Changes To This Policy

We may make changes to this privacy policy at any time. Changes will be posted here and are effective immediately. Regularly reviewing this page ensures that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.

1. Who Manages This Website?

The content of this website is edited by the owner as stated on the Contact page and the system is run by Serif Systems Limited, 4D Adwalton Business Park, 132 Wakefield Road, Drighlington. BD11 1DR Tel: 0113 238 1590 – For help on any of our websites please go to our helpdesk system

2. What Information Do We Collect And How Do We Use It?

Contact forms: If you fill in an enquiry/contact form on this site the details you enter into the form will be sent by email to the site owner so they can process your request.

Log In: If you have created an account to log in to the site your personal information is stored to identify you and is used to deliver services or goods that you have chosen. If you have opted to receive news or updates your email address will be used for this purpose. We do not allow the use of your details by a third party.

Website Usage Information

Web usage information is collected by our web server and from other sources including page tagging techniques using JavaScript and cookies. We use IP addresses and cookies to analyse website usage trends, understand user journeys and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses and our cookies are not linked to personally identifiable information.

The type of website usage information that we collect during your visits to our site includes, for example, the date and time, pages viewed or searched for, publications ordered, guides printed, tools used, subscriptions and referrals made, some truncated postcode or telephone area code information entered on forms (which is not traceable back to you) and other information relating to your usage of our website.

Where you are a registered user of our website and have logged in, we may collect web usage information to enable us to build a demographic profile.

We may also use web usage information to create statistical data regarding the use of our website and we may then use or disclose that statistical data to others for marketing and strategic development purposes, however, no individual identities will or can be identified in such statistical data.


Cookies are small pieces of data given to your browser by a website which may be stored as text files in the cookie directory of your computer. Cookies are not programs and cannot collect information from your computer. They do not damage your computer and are defined as “a piece of text stored on a user’s computer by their web browser. A cookie can be used for authentication, storing site preferences, shopping cart contents, the identifier for a server-based session, or anything else that can be accomplished through storing text data” (source: Wikipedia, 2011).

Each website may send cookie data to your browser which may save it if your browser’s preferences allow it to do so. To protect your privacy your browser only returns a cookie to the website that sent you the cookie and does not send it to any other website. A website cannot access your cookie directory or information on your computer, instead relevant cookies are included by your browser within each request you make to the website. A website can only obtain cookie data that your browser sends to it.

You do not have to accept cookies and you can change the settings within your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, reject cookies from certain websites, notify you if a site is requesting to set a cookie, and set various other options.

Switching off cookies will still allow you to view the majority of content on our site, however, it will prevent you logging in and so accessing personalised information. It will also stop us remembering your login User ID if you ask us to do so, and may restrict your use of our interactive tools and of some services available through linked sites.

Further Information About Cookies

For further information about cookies, please refer to:

3. Information Sharing And Disclosure

We will not sell, rent or disclose your information to any third parties other than those set out in this privacy policy without your consent. We do not transfer your personal information outside of the European Economic Area.

4. Third Party Content And Linking To Other Websites

This privacy policy applies only to this website. We are not responsible for privacy practices within any other websites. You should always be aware of this when you leave this website and we encourage you to read the privacy statement on any other website that you visit. We embed external content from third-party websites such as YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn including cookies. This content is not published on our website. It is delivered using devices and services from third party sites that can be inserted into our site such as media players, RSS feeds and widgets. These websites may use cookies. Their content is subject to the privacy policy of the relevant third-party provider and not ours.

5. Your Access To Your Information

You have a right to request a copy of any personal information that we hold about you. You will be asked for appropriate identification when you request copies of personal information.