November 2021 – Prayer Diary

Diocese of Sodor and Man- Prayer Diary November 2021

Mon 1st







Clergy: Joe Heaton, John Gulland, Roger Harper


Readers: Harry Dawson, Margaret Galloway, Wendy Heaton

The Diocese of Gwagwalada – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Abuja Province) ‘Please pray for those who lost family members in the two world wars and during conflict in more recent times.’
Tues 2nd

All Souls’ Day: Commemoration of the Faithful Departed


Parish of the Northern Plain








Clergy: Iaen Skidmore


Readers: Peter Ling, Peter Shimmin, Gill Poole



The Diocese of Haiti – The Episcopal Church (II (2) Province) Praying for Churches Alive in Man and its ecumenical witness.
Wed 3rd

Richard Hooker







Maughold, Dhoon and South Ramsey


Interim Minister: Glynn Jones


Local Minister (Dhoon): Nigel Cretney

The Diocese of Hanuato’o – The Anglican Church of Melanesia


‘O God, as world leaders meet at COP26 to accelerate action to tackle climate change, we pray, may they care for and cherish all your hands have made.’
Thu 4th


SUMT (Scripture Union Ministries Trust)



Team Leader: Ruth Walker

Schools Workers: Sue Yardy, Hannah Grove, Linda Wildman, Hannah Elpick, Hannah Grove and Kelly Taylor



The Diocese of Harare – The Church of the Province of Central Africa ‘Please pray for the residential weekend (5th-7th) that those who attend dig deeper into their faith, and for the team going to National Conference (26th-28th).’
Fri 5th


St Thomas’




Clergy:  Liz Hull The Diocese of Hawaii –

The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)


‘As we come to a time of Remembrance, we pray for all those who are struggling with illness or loneliness.’
Sat 6th

St Leonard, Hermit 6thc

William Temple, Archbishop, Teacher, 1944



Bride, Lezayre and North Ramsey


Interim Minister: Glynn Jones


Readers: Tim Grass, Joan Watson (emeritus)

The Diocese of Saint Helena – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa Pray for the churchwardens and for the Rev’d Glynn Jones, the interim minister.
SUN 7th






The Parish of the West Coast


Clergy: Nigel Godfrey, Ruth Walker, Colin Fleetney, Jeanette Hamer, Malcolm Convery, Margaret Burrow, Brian Kelly

Local Ministers: Cheryl Cousins, Graham McAll, Robert Quayle. Readers: Rosemary Clarke, Denise Gelder, Stephen Hamer and Karen Garrett



The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia Pray for this year’s Stewardship campaign: “Now More Than Ever: Receive Hope, Be Hope, Share Hope”. Pray for the Dean of Southwark preaching on this theme, at the cathedral, this morning.
Mon 8th

The Saints and Martyrs of England





Mothers’ Union President: Gail Eagles

President Elect: Jeanette Hamer

Chaplain: Ruth K Walker

Secretary: Mary Hobdell


The Diocese of Hereford – The Church of England (Canterbury Province) Pray that we might know the Hope of Christ within ourselves and sow seeds of that hope in others.





Tues 9th

Margery Kempe, c. 1440



The Cathedral





Dean: Nigel Godfrey


Campaign Manager: Val Garrett

The Diocese of Southern Highlands – The Anglican Church of Tanzania


Pray for good outcomes of the Peer Review of the Cathedral.  Pray for a shared understanding of the issues facing small cathedrals during the meeting of Deans in Leicester.
Wed 10th

 Leo the Great, 461


St Matthew (Douglas) Clergy: Robert Ferguson, Roger Harper, Duncan Whitworth


The Diocese of Highveld – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa All who work in businesses, restaurants and hostelries in the parish.
Thu 11th

Martin of Tours, c.397




Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory



Clonenagh – The Rev’d Victor Fitzpatrick

Clonmel – Vacant

Leighlin – The Very Rev’d Tom Gordon and the Revd Pat Coleman

The Diocese of Eastern Himalayas – The (united) Church of North India


As the COP26 discussions conclude we pray for positive movement forward on climate change and green issues.
Fri 12th




Jurby BMO





Clergy: William Mackay


The Diocese of Ho – The Church of the Province of West Africa (Ghana Province) Please pray for the Revd William Mackay and the BMO Steering Group; may their plans for outreach into the Jurby community be blessed.
Sat1 3th

Britius, Bishop

Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836



Lieutenant Governor: Lt Gen Sir John Lorimer

The President of Tynwald

The Speaker of the House of Keys

The Chief Minister

The Diocese of Hokkaido – The Nippon Sei Ko Kai Pray for those who exercise ministerial office and for all members of the Legislative Council.
SUN 14th





Lonan and Laxey


Clergy: Jo Dudley The Anglican Church of Australia ‘In this month of Remembrance we give thanks, firstly for all who gave so much for us to enjoy the life we live and secondly for those who have walked beside us over the years.’
 Mon 15th

Machutus, Bishop

Care for the Family Lesley Payne The Diocese of Honduras – The Episcopal Church (IX (9) Province) Pray for a new online resource called Boundary Lines, which aims to give both the tools and the confidence to care effectively for those under the age of five.
Tues 16th

Margaret, Queen, Philanthropist, 1093

Edmund Rich, Archbishop, 1240

Onchan Clergy: Alessandra Di Chiara


Readers: Carole Bairstow

The Diocese of Hong Kong Island – Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hai


Please pray for the team running the group for parents and toddlers.
Wed 17

Hugh of Lincoln, 1200


The Diocese




Bishop: Peter Eagles


Bishop’s Chaplain: Michael Brydon


Secretaries: Lorna Cook, Michelle Barwood

Registrar, Treasurer & Diocesan Officers.

The Diocese of Hpa-an – The Church of the Province of Myanmar Within the diocese we pray for all Church Wardens, PCC officers and members, all church volunteers and Liturgical Assistants.
Thu 18th

Elizabeth of Hungary, 1231



St George and All Saints (Douglas) Clergy: Vacant


Readers: Charles Flynn

Licensed Assistant: Ray Platt

The Diocese of Huron – The Anglican Church of Canada (Ontario Province) For the churchwardens and the Parochial Church Council
Fri 19th

Mechtild, Beguine of Magdeburg, Mystic, 1280

Hilda, Abbess, 680


Chaplains on the Island






Noble’s Hospital: Philip Frear; Prison and Ramsey Hospital: Brian Evans-Smith; KWC: Erica Scott; FE College: Daniel Richards; Police: Jo Dudley; Deaf Community: Jeanette Hamer; Rural Community: Irene Cowell The Diocese of Hyderabad – The (united) Church of Pakistan


Please pray for all the chaplains who provide ministry across the Island that they may witness to the love of God and help others to be touched by it.




Sat 20th

Priscilla Lydia Sellon, 1876

Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr, 870


Diocese of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory



Ardamine – The Venerable Bob Gray and the Rev’d Margaret Sykes The Diocese of Ibadan – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Ibadan Province)


Pray and give thanks for all those who give time and commitment in the form of lay ministry in both Sodor and Man and Cashel, Ferns and Ossory.
SUN 21st




Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin



Clergy: Janice Ward, Steven Herron


Readers: Nancy Clague, Doug Chalk, Heather Paisley

The Church of Bangladesh


‘In this season of remembering we give you thanks for those people who have inspired us and led us in faith closer to you. May we be such an inspiration to others.’
Mon 22nd

Cecilia, Martyr, c.230




Eastern Mission Partnership Team Leader: Alessandra di Chiara


The Commissioners of Garff, Onchan, Braddan and Councillors of Douglas

The Diocese of Ibadan North – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Ibadan Province) Pray for Alessandra di Chiara as she progresses her work as team leader for the Mission Partnership.
Tues 23rd

Clement of Rome, Martyr, c.100




Douglas Bishop’s Mission Order: Pioneer Church Clergy: Alex Brown The Diocese of Ibadan South – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Ibadan Province) Pray that we continue to reach out to groups the church struggles to reach and that we sense God’s direction and timing.



Wed 24th







Clergy: Daniel Richards, Margaret Fourie


The Diocese of Ibba – The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (Western Equatorial Province)


‘Please pray for our young people who seem to be more affected by Covid 19 at this time.’
Thu 25th

Isaac Watts, Hymn writer, 1748

Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr, 4thc





St Ninian (Douglas)





Clergy: John Coldwell, John Guilford, Les Lawrinson The Diocese of Idah – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Lokoja  Province) ‘We pray for the life of St Ninian’s and for all who worship here giving grateful thanks for all who serve in anyway.’
Fri 26th




Western Mission Partnership Team Leader: Nigel Godfrey


The Commissioners of Marown, Michael, German, Patrick, Peel.


Diocesan Spirituality Adviser: Karen Garrett


The Diocese of Idaho – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province) ‘As we draw near to God’s saving love revealed in the birth of Jesus, may we ponder in our hearts what that extraordinary event means for us now.’
Sat 27th



Isle of Man Prison Chaplain to the Prison:

Brian Evans-Smith

The Diocese of Ideato – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Owerii Province) Pray for those being held in prison away from their  families and those held without trial.
SUN 28th



Arbory and Castletown


Clergy: Irene Cowell, Jon Barwood, Colin Barry, Sue Watterson


Reader: Hilary Flynn

Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil Pray for pastoral workers across the Diocese.


Fri 29th

Day of Intercession for the Missionary Work of the Church



Northern Mission Partnership Team Leader: Vacant


Clergy: David Greenwood, Malcolm Convery, Brian Evans-Smith, Iaen Skidmore and Glynn Jones


The Commissioners of Ramsey, Andreas, Ballaugh, Bride, Jurby, Lezayre, Garff.

The Diocese of Idoani – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Ondo Province) For the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen and renew all people.
Sat 30th



(Please include prayers in the below boxes)

Church in the Pub, Sundays at 10

The Cat with no Tail.

Clergy- John Guilford The Diocese of Ife – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Ibadan Province)


‘Dear Lord, while all around us is chaos and beyond our understanding, be our rock and sure foundation. Amen.’
Please include this material on Saturday 30th.



Southern Mission Partnership


Team Leader: Joe Heaton

The Commissioners of Arbory, Castletown, Malew, Port Erin, Port St. Mary, Rushen, Santon

Pray for the Island Spirituality Network and its ecumenical outreach.